Admission Rates for Schools & Groups

A trip to the Becker County Museum can serve as an excellent enhancement to classroom learning, a hands-on incentive for reaching group objectives, or a chance for your organization to connect with the community and participate in local activities. Our group admission rates have been designed with your organization’s budget in mind, allowing everyone an opportunity to preserve, connect, and explore.

K-12 Public School Groups

$5 per Student

Adult chaperones receive FREE museum admission
Must schedule visit in advance to be eligible for discounted group rates

Homeschool Groups

$5 per Student

1 FREE adult/chaperone per family; $5 each additional adult thereafter
Must schedule visit in advance to be eligible for discounted group rates

Non-Student Groups

% Discount

10% admission discount for groups of 10-20 people
20% admission discount for groups of over 20 people
Must schedule visit in advance to be eligible for discounted group rates

Book your group visit today!

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